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A list of the best YouTube channels for data science

YouTube has been entertaining people since 2005. It is also a great resource for data science educational videos. Below is a list of YouTube channels which I find the most helpful for Data Science, AI and Machine Learning:

Analytics Mantra

Shivam is the enigmatic figure behind this YouTube channel. He posts tutorials on Data Analysis and Machine Learning. He has lot of great playlists including; Data Analysis using Python, Programming in R, Data Visualization with Qlikview, Advanced Excel Tutorials.

Cognitive Class

Cognitive Class AI is an IBM initiative which provides learning opportunities in Big Data, Data Analysis and Machine Learning. Some of my favorite playlists are: Deep Learning with Tensorflow, Machine Learning and Build your own Chatbot.

Dan Van Boxel

Dan is an extremely funny and intelligent engineer who has writes line by line code in his tutorials which prove to be extremely helpful. Although not active in recent time, I hope this post can resurface Dan from his YouTube hiatus.


Edureka is a channel which curates content on trending topics in the areas of Big Data and Hadoop, DevOps, Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Apache Spark, Python etc.

Hvass Laboratories

Magnus operates Hvass Laboratories a channel dedicated to Machine Leaning tutorials. His tutorial videos on Deep Learning are particularity helpful. Found here.

Data School

Kevin is a full-time educator and his data science material is top notch. He uses mainly R and Python to code.

Krista King

Krista is a bubbly math tutor and her gift is explaining hard mathematical concepts in layman terms. If you want to brush your derivatives or differential equations give her a follow.

Professor Leonard

Professor Leonard really does seem like Superman. Exterior of an unassuming nerd but underneath hiding superpowers of simplifying the most difficult concepts effortlessly.


PyData is a non-profit channel which posts videos from data science meetups and conferences across the globe.


Harrison the Python loving coder is an active and knowledgeable YouTuber who has the most up to date content on data science. His tutorials are very interactive and easy to follow.

Siraj Raval

Siraj is a true AI educator who covers the latest and greatest in data science. A fun personality, he keeps data science light and easy for novice and beginners. Siraj is very active on YouTube and posts videos almost daily (something unheard of!) His enthusiasm for data science is truly infectious.

The SemiColon

A great channel to learn data science. A lot of Kagglers and researchers will find these videos helpful.

Vytautas Bielinskas

Vytautas is a Lithuanian data scientist who makes content which differentiates from most content users. He combines data science with social media analytics and GIS seamlessly.

Lex Fridman

Lex Fridman is a post-doc at MIT’s CSAIL and is currently doing research on self-driving cars. He is currently posting all the deep learning lectures on his channel. You can also follow the exercises with lectures on his Github here.

Two Minute Papers

Do you want to keep up with all the cutting edge research happening in AI? Look no further. Keep up with the latest research in short 2 minute videos.


This is a great channel with tensorflow, pytorch and keras end-to-end tutorials.

Dr. Vytautas Bielinskas

If you want to learn Big Data analytics with Python, R, GIS follow this channel.

Brandon Rohrer

Brandon Rohrer is a machine learning instructor and he shares great tutorial on his channel which include everything from AI intuition, optimisation techniques, feature extraction and engineering models.

Luis Serrano

This is a great channel which explains the complex concepts of artificial intelligence, mathematics and machine learning in easy to digest examples.

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